Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day -4

Never thought traveling to India will be so exciting that I don't want to do this again. So, here we are day -4 of our travels, and not all the travel documents are in place. I will blame no one but me to have brought this on myself. Knowing the efficiency of the govt agencies, I should've acted sooner to send the paper work in to acquire necessary permission. I sent it early July after reading their website stating that it takes only 4 days to get the document. I slap myself for doing that...and if u readers hear me do that again, plz slap me on my face. i'll owe you one... :)

any way after no notification from the agency, after numerous futile attempts to contact them via email, phone, which i think are pretty basic forms of communication these days, i gave up and executed Plan B.

But now, I don't want to jinx it but 'aaaal izzzz well'!

Day -3 in NYC... watch for my updates.

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